Even though you have anehic card, that may cater for all your medical bills, I always mention that it is good to always take care of your body and live healthier always, as the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. If you come to think of it, imagine Over 60% of grown up women in the world are generally overweight, and about 1/3rd of the overweight women are actually obese.

If you actually want to know if you are obese, all you are required to do is find out your body index (BMI). what is BMI? It is the measure of your fat body, based on the weight and the height of your body. For example, people with a BMI of 26-29.8 are considered to be obese while those people with a BMI of 30 and above, they are considered to be obese.

What causes someone to be overweight?

One can become overweight due to eating of more calories than required in the body. It’s true that everyone’s body requires energy in order to function as well as for it to be active. But if you happen to take in more energy than your body uses, then you will definitely gain so much unwanted weight.

Factors that causes a person to become overweight

1. Behavioral factors such a eating too much calories, and not doing enough exercise

2. Environment and culture

3. Genes

4. Consuming unhealthy meals

4. Driving to all places instead of walking

Why women should lose weight

What many people are ignorant about or are completely not aware is, being overweight can increase your body to have the following healthy risks, such as

1. Heart disease

2. Stroke

3. Diabetes

4. High blood pressure

5. Breathing problems

6. Some kinds of cancer

Again,excess body weight is not the only healthy risk.another factor that may be a sign you may have weight-related healthy problem is where actually your body fat is stored.women with an apple shape,tend to store their fat around their belly and waist,while women with pear shape,store their fat around their hips and bums.if your waist is more than 34.5 inches,then you have a higher risk of weight-related problem than those with a small waist.

Tips for overweight women who want to lose weight

One of the fastest way that can help anyone desiring to lose weight to do it very first,is simply by using more calories than you can take.it can be achieved by simply following a healthy diet plan plus doing more exercise.

Below are some safe weight-loss program that work so well:

1. set a goal of steady weight loss,for example, 1 to 2 pounds per every week.

2. Follow a low-calories eating plan

3. Become more physically active

4. Be able to keep weight off even after you have lost it.

Healthy food choices that will help you lose weight

1.Focus on fruits

Make sure that you have eaten a variety of fruits,either dried,frozen,or fresh.

2.Eat more veggies

Eat more veggies but vary them,you can mix the dark greened veggies with orange veggies and beans and peas.

3.make half of your grains whole

Whole-grain meals include,brown bread,brown rice,crackles e.t.c. each day.

4.strictly go lean on proteins

Choose white meat only such as fish and poultry.it is advisable to either bake it,grill it or boil it.

5.limit saturated fats as much as possible

6.limit your salt intake

Get less than 1 teaspoon of salt each day.

About Me:Natalia Dwain is a blogger and content writer from London, UK. She loves reading and writing about Health  recent updates. As of now she is doing a research   works on  ehic card

About petarjorge

Petar Jorge is a freelance content writer by profession. He finds immense pleasure in writing All kind Topic related article.

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